series of belt presses utilizes a combination of chemical conditioning, gravity drainage and mechanical pressure in a continuous feed system to dewater sludge. The sludge is squeezed between tensioned serpentine belts and a series of decreasing diameter rollers to remove…
OIL Separator Galaxy Cyclone The Galaxy will be design and manufactures large oily water treatment systems using liquid / liquid -hydro cyclones to treat any flow rate. The Galaxy Systems have many innovative features. Industries that use the Galaxy System…
Dewatering is the removal of water from the work area. The purpose is to prevent water from interfering with the work, and to prevent the discharge of contaminants such as suspended sediment and concrete. Dewatering may include damming, stream bypass,…
partner and shareholder of ASG company china is producing this Filling Line under German License.
A car wash can be the largest single point of water consumption and discharge you will have at your business.
Compact water treatment units are supplied to smaller communities and camps that have no access to a central water treatment facility.
Brackish water is water that is more saline than fresh water, but not as much as seawater. It can come from mixing of seawater with fresh water, as in estuaries, or it may occur in brackish fossil aquifers.
We offer complete skid & truck mounted or containerized plant for the production of drinking or process water. Containerized plant include coagulation and chlorine dosing arrangement to neutralized suspended solids, followed by pressure sand and activated carbon filtration, polishing 5…
The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process is a sequential suspended growth (activated sludge) process in which all major steps occur in the same tank in sequential order.
CHARACTERISTICS VERIOUS CAPACITY DESIGN Verious siye panels can use limited space for its best using way so can satisfy your needs. EXCELLENT HYGIENE No corrosion from panels and prevent bacteria increasing by isolating outside light. WATER TIGHTNESS The…